Protective Masks (Infection)

医用口罩(卫生口罩)和呼吸防护口罩(FFP2)可防止感染传播. 在这里,我们介绍了两种最重要的口罩类型,用于在大流行期间减少感染传播. 我们还想提醒您注意正确使用防护口罩的建议.

The Wetrok Promise: 经过测试和认证的高品质口罩,为您提供最好的保护

口罩的防护水平由两个方面决定:贴合度和材料的质量. Wetrok makes no compromises on either. 我们只销售经过测试和认证的防护口罩——每种立博app都说明了相应的测试标准. 我们的Wetrok专家也对每一个新的Wetrok口罩进行严格的内部测试程序(形状测试, water test, filter layer test and fire test). 您可以在每个掩码上找到以下信息:掩码类型、测试标准、CE标志. 您还将收到关于耐久性等进一步信息的证书. with your mask. On request, 我们当然很乐意为您提供更详细的检测报告,并回答您可能存在的关于安全和质量的任何问题:
Current information:

卫生当局最近报告说,有假冒口罩在流通. These have no test certificates, insufficient filter efficiency, 可能含有有害物质,并且可能是在有问题的卫生条件下生产的. In short: They are ineffective and unfit for use. 因此,在购买口罩时要仔细观察!


防护口罩有两个基立博app功能:保护佩戴者和/或周围环境. Wetrok为不同的应用提供两种不同类型的防护口罩:

1. 医用口罩IIR(保护佩戴者周围环境)

医用口罩可以减少病原体通过飞沫传播. 在流行病或大流行时期,它们提供了防止感染蔓延的保护. The primary function of a medical face mask is to protect others against infection (NOT the wearer). However, IIR型医用口罩还为佩戴者提供有限的防飞沫或感染保护.

Important: 这些是一次性立博app,根据制造商的不同,最多可以佩戴3个小时. Any longer and protection is no longer guaranteed!

The Wetrok medical face mask is characterised by the following features:

  • High level of protection for the wearer’s surroundings (type IIR)
  • High bacterial filtration efficiency ≥ 98%
  • Tested and certified in accordance with EN 14683:2019
  • Three-layer filter medium (and yet very lightweight)
  • 佩戴非常舒适(可调节鼻梁,软弹性环)
  • Low breathing resistance
  • Can be worn for a maximum of 2–3 hours (max. 2 hours in hospitals)
  • Available in a box of 50 pcs.

Order blue medical face masks from the online shop
Order black medical face masks from the online shop
2. FFP2呼吸器(保护佩戴者及其周围环境)

FFP2 respirators protect against aerosols, dust and smoke. 在大流行期间,FFP2呼吸器特别能提供 good protection against virus transmission. In contrast to medical face masks, FFP2(和FFP3)型口罩既保护佩戴者,也保护其周围环境.

安全信息:带阀门的呼吸器不能保护周围环境, 因为任何病毒都会通过呼气阀释放到空气中,并在佩戴者呼气时传播.

-> Wetrok FFP2 respirators are therefore NOT equipped with an exhalation valve..

FFP2 masks offer maximum safety and can be worn for a longer period of time than medical masks. 如果正确使用,还建议与covid -19感染者接触或在受污染房间工作的清洁人员使用FFP2口罩.

The Wetrok FFP2 respirator is characterised by the following features:

  • High level of protection for the wearer and their surroundings (protection class FFP2)
  • Tested and certified in accordance with EN 149:2001 A1:2009
  • CE certified (CE2834)
  • Optimum seal and fit thanks to adjustable nose bridge
  • Extremely comfortable to wear
  • 多层过滤介质采用优质无纺布材料
  • Very lightweight
  • 根据DGUV,最多可以穿5个75分钟的班次
  • High degree of protection against droplets
  • 可订购不同数量:每盒20只(每只单独包装于胶袋内)或单件(每只胶袋内装1只口罩)

This mask offers two unbeatable features for maximum comfort:

Supple nose bridge: The nose bridge is covered with a soft, skin-friendly foam insert, making it more comfortable, 更合脚,更耐戴——特别是对于那些戴眼镜的人.

Flexible fastening: 您可以用松紧带把口罩扣在耳后, 或者使用提供的塑料夹将其固定在头部后方. 如果你感到任何挤压或不适,你可以简单地切换到其他固定方法.

You will never want to do without these features again!

Order FFP2 respirators from the online shop (box of 20 pcs.)
Order FFP2 respirators from the online shop (1 pc.)

  1. 戴口罩时,应在洗手或消毒后接触口罩.
  2. Only touch the mask by the elastic bands.
  3. Make sure the mask fully covers the mouth, nose and chin.
  4. 口罩要贴合(在镜子前练习戴).
  5. If you wear glasses; first put on the mask, then your glasses.
  6. Tie back long hair to prevent the mask from slipping.

  1. 戴口罩时,继续保持良好的手卫生,与他人保持安全距离.
  2. Do not touch the mask while wearing it.
  3. 戴上口罩后,不要摘下来(包括将口罩拉到下巴下).
  4. 如果你的口罩湿了,用一个干净、干燥的口罩替换(大约在. two hours).
  5. 取下口罩后,将其放入密封容器中处理.
  6. Wash or disinfect your hands after taking off the mask.


Putting on Your Mask

1. 在戴口罩前,用肥皂和水彻底洗手和/或消毒.
2. 按照制造商的说明将口罩戴在嘴巴和鼻子上,然后将口罩固定在头部或耳朵后面.
3. There should be no gaps between your face and the mask.
4. 只有嘴和鼻子被完全覆盖,保护才能得到保证.
5. Do not touch the mask while wearing it.

Taking off Your Mask

1. 在取下口罩前,用肥皂和水彻底洗手和/或消毒.
2. Do not touch the mask itself.
3. Touch the elastic bands only and carefully remove the mask.
4. Dispose of the mask in a sealed container.
5. 取下口罩后,用肥皂和水彻底洗手和/或消毒.

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